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Wiz ATM, STFax is a fax and voice program like the ones you can see on PC machines (SuperVoice, etc...).... it's only more 'amigan' :)
Wiz it started as a simple fax only proggy (perhaps some of you remember it)
Wiz and it expanded so much that now you can run a nice voice box system with it
Wiz I think we can start with the questions
newlook queue list: T-tam, tekmage
T-tam Writing fax software is a bugger, it seems to get screwed up with the slightest timing mistakes (I've given up now). What tips can you give (apart from studying the ITU-T-30 doc v.hard).? GA
newlook queue list: tekmage, platon42
Wiz T-tam: yes, exaclty. One of my biggest problem was to make sure it worked on many different modem kinds.
Wiz Too bad each modem is different from the others and each ones has its own defects...
newlook For those just joining us, please message me with ? to be entered into the question queue. End all questions with GA so the speaker and moderator(s) know that you are finished.
Wiz only studying the T.30 and the other docs is not enough, you need to do it by trial & error... in most of the cases. GA
tekmage I have a a voice mail with the phone company, could I have STfax dial to that mail box and reterive the messages? Also I have a GVS phonepak card, will there or is there support for it in your program? Last how will I know what modems are supported GA
newlook queue list: platon42, TA
tekmage GVP sorry
Wiz tekmage: 1) not atm (that feature would have been added if there was enough request)
Wiz 2) no, STFax needs a voice modem, the GVP card is not supported nor will be
Wiz 3) it supports almost every modem kind (apart from Sierra based). I recommend Rockwell-based modems as they proved to be the more reliable
Wiz GA
newlook queue list: platon42, TA, Arvid
platon42 I've been using GPFax for a couple of years now (which actually works quite well), what would you do to convince me of STFax? (ah yes, and I've written a very nice answer machine (7kb) for my modem already) :) ga
Wiz platon42: ehehe :) well, let's start from the gui: GPFax has a quite non-standard gui, while STFax uses a nice MUI interface
newlook queue list: TA, Arvid, hiu
Wiz as to faxing, STFax is more reliable then GPFax in some cases (at least some users reported me this :)
Wiz moreover, you can do advanced voice script which I don't think you can do with your 7kb proggy:
newlook queue list: TA, Arvid, hiu, pjs, RaYzor
UGN-Speak Ok, we close down here ...
Wiz for example you can set up a fax on demand system, have a personalised greeting for each caller (your mom calls and gets "Hi mom, I'm busy studying...", while the others can get "I'm at the pub getting drunk..." :)
Wiz GA
UGN-Speak Have a nice time!
UGN-Speak See you at the Computer 99!
tekmage ok, Thank you UGN-speak for a great series of conferences!
tekmage Take care
newlook queue list: TA, Arvid, hiu, pjs, RaYzor, Giack, xantigrav
TA Does STFax work reliably with a Sportster (USR/3COM) .90 56K without problems? GA
Wiz TA: USR isn't very helpful when requesting developers docs, so there are a couple of... hm... things that won't work 100% ok: for example: converting a sample into a voice message produces some noise and I have no idea how to fix this (unless you convince USR to give me the docs) GA
newlook queue list: Arvid, hiu, pjs, RaYzor, Giack, xantigrav
Arvid Thank you. TA just asked the question I had planned to ask. Restating: Will STFax and my USR v.90 send/receive FAXes together?
Arvid GA
newlook queue list: hiu, pjs, RaYzor, Giack, xantigrav
Wiz Arvid: yes, you just need to set it to Class 1 and it'll work ok (USR's class 2.0 engine is bugged on the 90% of the modems, even if some lucky users can get it to work :). GA
hiu Is it true you are involved in the "Onola" project? GA
Wiz hiu: what's the "onola" project?? GA
pjs Hi Wiz, a friend an I tried to put STFaxPro to use with a all of voice modems (Zoom, Hayes, USRobitics, etc) we could find and got nothing to work - we could never create/use Amiga compatible recordings and trying to play recordings through the modems was impossible to hear/understand/use. Do you have any plans to remedy this? Support file I/O with the Amiga?
newlook queue list: RaYzor, Giack, xantigrav
newlook For those just joining us, please message me with ? to be entered into the question queue. End all questions with GA so the speaker and moderator(s) know that you are finished.
Wiz pjs: you could have sent me an email, so we could have solved the problem :) GA
RaYzor I have been using GPFAx for years now, but notice its support for USR Courier modems sucks. It takes forever to handshake. 1) is STFax better at this and 2) is the Quality of the fax better?
RaYzor GA
newlook queue list: Giack, xantigrav, dR0PS
Wiz RaYzor: you should test the demo (it's on Aminet, even if it has some small problems (it's an old version)). The quality of the fax doesn't depend on the program anyway. GA
tekmage I made a mistake, hiu should respond
tekmage sorry about that
hiu tekmage thanks, maybe Onola is under nda ;)
tekmage oops
tekmage well I guess you can't then :)
GiacK I heard people on #amigaita saying that you will a relase a freeware cut-down version of your STFAX for all the peolpe who cannot afford it or don't like the cracked versions, is it true? GA
newlook queue list: xantigrav, dR0PS
Wiz GiacK: no :) GA
newlook queue list: dR0PS
newlook For those just joining us, please message me with ? to be entered into the question queue. End all questions with GA so the speaker and moderator(s) know that you are finished.
dR0PS anyone got the PalomAVI program or/and saw the demonstation if there was one ? Laszlo said, the beta will be available at C98 but it`s not on his homepage?! GA
tekmage hehe
newlook queue list: -
tekmage I did not hear anything about that, check the logs tonight
Wiz <- must run in 5 mins
tekmage Wiz thank you for comming bye today
tekmage Wiz I'm sorry about yesterday
tekmage by even
tekmage Well the show is over, the IRC is over too
Wiz tekmage: no prob.
Wiz Bye bye
tekmage I would like that thank everyone that helped the UGN moderate this channel
newlook Thanks Wiz
tekmage I would also like to thank most of the people that came, some we can do with out
tekmage The logs will be edited and placed in the UGN website soon
tekmage I'm going to take the channel unmoderated and take a nap :)
tekmage cheers

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